Tag Archives: creepy

Creepy Hollow

I went to the beach again. Even though it was warmer outside, it felt colder because there was no sun and a lot of wind. The light was super creepy and the park was nearly deserted.

When I started editing my photos from the day, I noticed the creep factor was high, and everything was very centered in the frame. I don’t usually take photos with this composition in mind, but found that it really fit the weirdness of the beach today.

Then some kind of art-school-ish inspiration came over me, and I started reflecting the photos over and over.

I like.

(click each image for full size)

Retail Design at the Bodega

Just what is going on here?

Just what is going on here?

What a compelling point-of-sale display at the local bodega at Clark and Winnemac! Because when you are standing in line at the register, you will remember how much you love Hennessy and will pick up a bottle before check out. Impulse purchase! The gator head and dead moth have real stopping power. Well done, creepy-bodega-retail-display.