Monthly Archives: December 2010


2010 went by in a blink. And yet, it seems like last year’s December 31st was ten years ago. Huh.

I can’t believe that just last year I posted this, with the surprise ending.

If you feel like spending 6 minutes and 20 some seconds here, I invite you to watch my 2010 review.

Hopefully I will be back to regular blogging in the new year. Benton needs his mom a lot these days.

The Five Month Man

I don’t know why he looks like this. But he does. It’s like I gave birth to an old man.

Why is he orating?

I mean honestly.

OOhp! Serious moment.

And the senator finally comes to terms with the situation at hand. He is a baby child. Nothing he can do.

That's right. I said BABY CHILD. Deal.

...Who learned to sit today. How is this little man almost a half-year old already? I love and hate that fact at the same time. Le sigh.


I was recently stalking a childhood friend on the old Facebook, because I suspected she was pregnant. She was! And she had one of those enviable glowing, cute, basketball bellies with no marks on it. So basically the total opposite of mine. ANYWAY.

She and another childhood friend mentioned that they were also guilty of doing some baby-stalking in my direction. They said I made motherhood look like so much fun.

This is a great compliment. And motherhood IS fun to me. I am glad that comes through in the image I project.

But it’s not always funnsies of course.

Like many things in life, what is fun to you depends more on your attitude than anything. I don’t want moms-to-be to think that their lives will be suddenly sunny with kids. The truth is, if you were an unhappy or negative person before you had kids, you will likely be the same unhappy person with kids. Do not think that these “bundles-of-joy” contain actual joy that will magically spill into your life. That has to come from within you. It is not the baby’s responsibility to entertain you or make you happy. You have to make you happy.

So when something outlandish or ridiculous is occurring, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I make a funny.

Example: Benton was on a nap strike this morning. He generally naps within the first couple of hours after he wakes up. Today? 4+ hours and some screaming at the dolphins. Fun? Not really. But when you step back, there was some hilarity in it.


Christmas Card Outtakes

Keep in mind the card reads JOY to the world.

This one is actually a contender, but I will post the final after I send it out. 🙂

Thanks Colorado

I haven’t felt like blogging this week. But I can’t resist posting this series. We spent Thanksgiving in western Colorado with my in-laws. This is what it looks like when you walk around their block. It is so quiet there. I miss it already.

Benton is also called, Gooshins, Magoo, Squeebishens, Mooshins, Babeshens, Gwah, Goonters, Squeebs, Baby B, Looshins, and Baron Munchausen.

This. Kills. Me. ❤

I will be back in a bit to discuss travelling with a baby and other such insanity. I hope you had a little peace over the weekend as well.