Monthly Archives: February 2011


Look at my new house.*

Click for a tour of mah house.*

*KIDDING. Totally kidding.

So here’s the deal. The short story is that we were 99% sure that we were going to leave the city and move to Chesterton, IN next month. Our plan was to live in an apt for 6-12 months while house hunting/building. The schools are good, we could afford a 3-4 bedroom house, it is near the lake, and I know good peoples there. There would be a yard in the near future. A YARD!

Sounds perfect, eh?


The catch is this this: It would be 1.5 hours into the city, and 1.5 hours out of the city on the train for Justin. Every day. This means he would likely not see B much at all on the weekdays. We had a long talk last Friday night, and I was feeling kind of blindsided and heartbroken. I just had a “sure” idea in my head of where we were going. And a house was in sight. But honestly, I understand why he is weary of the daunting commute. I don’t blame him.

However, I consider myself a fairly adaptable person. I just need a day or so to let new plans sink in.

We woke up on Saturday morning on a mission. We would find a place in the city that worked for all three of us. We will rent for a few more years, until we can afford a decent place in a nearby burb. The goal is to get into a house by the time Benton goes to school. Justin is just starting out his career, and things are going really well for him. So. I am not heartbroken anymore. The house idea is not off the table, it is just pushed back a ways.

By Sunday afternoon, we had toured several different kinds of apartments. My lists of demands were all checked off in the final townhome that we saw. It is located in a residential nook with no thru traffic in the South Loop. 9 minute commute for Justin. And easy public transportation to anywhere in the city from the loop location. Two parks in the nook for me and B. And a walk to Grant Park/lake/museums and aquarium. I can meet my friends who work in the Loop in the park for lunch. The place has a new full-size washer and dryer, a place for cat litter and get this: ATTACHED GARAGE. Life changing for sure.

For you map creepers out there. Here is the new hood. Did I mention I am a couple blocks from Target and Whole Foods? BRAGGING!

I know that maybe three people are still reading this post.

Anyway, I am excited now. Early spring and the move will coincide. I’m looking forward to nesting in a new place. I want to walk outside. Take B to the swings. Meet the other mama’s in the new hood. Go to the gardens in the park. Sit in the sun. THE SUN.


Creepy Hollow

I went to the beach again. Even though it was warmer outside, it felt colder because there was no sun and a lot of wind. The light was super creepy and the park was nearly deserted.

When I started editing my photos from the day, I noticed the creep factor was high, and everything was very centered in the frame. I don’t usually take photos with this composition in mind, but found that it really fit the weirdness of the beach today.

Then some kind of art-school-ish inspiration came over me, and I started reflecting the photos over and over.

I like.

(click each image for full size)


Doesn’t that just warm your heart?

The sad part is that I’m not being sarcastic. The snow is melting. MELTING! It was almost 50 degrees today, and tomorrow it will be close to 60.

Naturally, this is beach weather. B, do you agree?

The sidewalks were rivers at Loyola park, but luckily I have a ridiculous stroller that can basically travel through lava if need be. Yeah, I usually wear the child. But sometimes I don’t. Because I do what I want!

Don’t underestimate the power of fresh air and vitamin D. Miracle workers. And sand and water nearby is a bonus. Even if it is still kind of crusty and slushy with ice, I like being close to the beach. That was part of the criteria when we looked places to move to, which kind of cut out the western burbs for us.

Did I mention we are moving? We are moving. March 26th. More on this later.


There is now a baby who lives with us who is closer to his first birthday than he is to his birth. He just finished his seventh month of life, and is blasting through the eighth month already.

One day, he woke up and started to look more like a toddler than a newborn.

That's right. I am going to peer into your soul. Cause I know stuff. I am big now.

See that kitty back there? I am TOTALLY OBSESSED. Kitty. Kitty. KITTY. KITTEH. Let me go see her?

Oh, yes. I love her. I wish I was mobile and could be with her always. I am working on the mobile thing, but right now, Mama is still in control.


Hey, Ma. Are you watching? Ima gunna share this bra pad that I like to play with. Because I love kitty that much.


Sigh. He is working on crawling. How is this happening? How?

I smelled his head yesterday, and it has completely lost that newborn scent.


I hate to have the sad trombone post stuck at the top of the page for too many days. Because things are better.

Today I went outside and the snow was melting. I know better than to get my hopes up that spring is really here. But today? I got a hint of it. And it was SO. GOOD.


I walked into my bedroom when the sun was hitting my yellow friend just right. I wanted to Pin it. Which means I have been spending far too much time on Pinterest. Ahem.



Sad Trombone

Things are not right.

Just…off. It’s weird how stuff can unravel all at once. This usually doesn’t happen, but I guess that’s how life goes sometimes. I don’t want a pity party. I just want to fix things, but much of it is out of my control.

Since I am striving to stay positive, I have taken up a new hobby in escapism. Heh. It’s called Pinterest. It’s like they invented this site with me in mind. Adore. You can see my virtual pinboards here if you feel like stalking me. Anyway. It makes me happy and inspires me when stuff is crummy.

Yesterday, I completed the most ridiculous errand I have accomplished to date. The sick mama took the sick cat along with the sick baby to the vet.

We parked on the street because that is the only option. There was 4ft of snow and no curb to speak of along the street, so I could only open the passenger doors of the car about 14 inches max. I squished in between the horrid snow bank and vehicle and stood in 3 inches of cold slush while somehow getting the baby out of his seat and into the Ergo carrier. Then I went around and sat in the driver’s seat while wearing him. Somehow I got the cat carrier out the driver side door with me, all while the buses whizzed passed us just 2 ft from my open door. I should really draw a picture. All I could think of as I crossed the street was my friend Erin. I repeated to myself:

please don’t fall, please don’t fall, please don’t fall. I pictured the cat carrier busting open in traffic and a baby covered in dirty slush as a CTA bus ran over my foot. LUCKILY THIS DIDN’T HAPPEN. We made it inside safe and sound.

I can barely lift the cat carrier while also carrying Benton because my lower back is in so much pain. I can’t bend more than 45 degrees without dying. Justin is out-of-town this week for the 3rd week within a month, so I am solo and don’t have an easy way to do a chiropractor appointment for 5 more days.

So. Luckily Benton was an angel during the whole vet appointment. He giggled as I stood smashed in between the filthy snow bank and nasty salted car while I struggled to get him free of the vehicle. He only looked vaguely concerned when a vet tech had to be called into the exam room as Porpus turned into a wolverine and needed to be handled with a blanket and leather gloves. It got loud in there. She was a raging bitch. I don’t blame her.

He is so sweet to keep smiling through his sickness. He makes me feel better when I hear that grandma isn’t doing well or kitty has to go on meds for life. I am not as lonely at night when Justin is gone because I can spoon the sweet baby. My sore throat doesn’t hurt as bad when he reaches out for me.

This morning he decided that jumping on my bladder would bring back fond memories of when he was an easy-to-care for fetus baby. Thanks for being so sweet, little B.

So like I said, I don’t need a pity party. If anything, just chime in with me. Things I am currently telling myself include: This too shall pass. It’s just a rut. People have it way worse than you. You are lucky. Things will balance out…etc..etc…

Snowed-In Snow Den

The end is nigh

That is the only door. So, no. It didn't open. Used the garage to go in and out.

As you can see, we were snowed-in yesterday. It was not the best day, but I have already gotten my complaining out via Twitter. Sometimes, a good rant about no heat, no hot water, sickness, drum sets, and headaches is therapeutic. Thanks for listening, internets.

Puffy snow hearts.


Poor, sick little Benton. I am not sure if he was truly sick or teething. But there was a fever, cough and whimpering for a couple of days. This morning? Snot. But he is on the mend.

B sits around and yells DADA dah dah da da da Da Da.

All day.

This is obviously rude. He may be confused. Ma Ma is clearly what he is thinking.

B was happy his da da dah was in sight all of yesterday in the snow den. But let it be known that he is a major snowed-in party pooper. Because work-from-home, truly means WORK-from-home. Crazy person.

Hope you are warm and snuggly in your part of the world.