Tag Archives: winter walk

A Little Walk

I wore a hat indoors all day. It kept my brains inside and trapped a bit of heat. Today was one of the first really cold days here in Chicago. It seems like we Chicagoans have gotten away with something for the icy air to wait until January to smack us. Things are CRISP out there. Or frozen if you will.

I had to pick up dry cleaning today, which can only be done via stroller, so Benton rode in his cozy Arctic Bundle Me thingy and I pretended my stroller muff was going to provide sweet precious warmth for my whole body. It did not, but it is still pretty sweet. Probably the best winter accessory I own. You should get one if you walk around in temps under 30 degrees like I do. *Waves to other crazy person.*

For being so cold out, it was still kind of pretty because of the time of day I chose to go. My eyes were a bit watery from the air, so everything looked kind of like a fun house. These photos are from my phone of course, but they document our little insignificant walk pretty well. And we didn’t get hit by any cars running red lights at State and Roosevelt. So there’s that. *Shakes mittened fist at stupid cars.* 

Thanks for walking with us. Wish you were really here. Bring a muff.

Thanks Colorado

I haven’t felt like blogging this week. But I can’t resist posting this series. We spent Thanksgiving in western Colorado with my in-laws. This is what it looks like when you walk around their block. It is so quiet there. I miss it already.

Benton is also called, Gooshins, Magoo, Squeebishens, Mooshins, Babeshens, Gwah, Goonters, Squeebs, Baby B, Looshins, and Baron Munchausen.

This. Kills. Me. ❤

I will be back in a bit to discuss travelling with a baby and other such insanity. I hope you had a little peace over the weekend as well.