The Demi-God of Cake

Yesterday, Justin turned 30.

He says he doesn’t feel old. But he does feel miles from 20. I think 30 is a perfect age. You are no longer a silly fool, but not old enough to be a crotchety old fart.

Personally, I am looking forward to my 30’s. Seriously. But I am not complaining about being in my late 20’s. It’s not bad at all. 😉

So a birthday of this proportion calls for cake.

Yes. Cake. Go ahead and click this picture and read the story if you haven't already. I will wait.

Justin and I have read that entire website and find it brilliantly hilarious and silly. The God Of Cake is particularly good.

So I had the notion to make this cake for him in real life. An exhaustive multi-day search for multi-colored marshmallows commenced and I failed miserably. My friend Erica found them on the south side and drove them up to me. Because she is awesome and this was clearly an important mission.

Progress work.

Food coloring explosion.

A little help from B. Who hates the mixer. HATES.

And I give to you my replica:

OK. So maybe this is not the typical cake for a 30-year-old man. But I think he liked it. Happy Birthday, Love.

31 responses to “The Demi-God of Cake

  1. That is amazing. I’m in awe.

  2. A. I big puffy pink heart that website.
    B. That cake is outstanding. Out. Flippin. Standing.
    C. I am 36. I thought I’d feel old when I was 36 because I looked at other 36 year olds when I was 2o and thought “wow they’re old. They’re SO much more mature than me with all their kids and houses and whatnot”. But I don’t. When I turned 30 my dad said “welcome to the decade where people start to take you seriously.” I LOVE the 30’s.

  3. Oh my frack this is AWESOME. So perfectly, amazingly AWESOME. Great job!!!! 🙂

    And yes, the 30’s are better than the 20’s for exactly the reason you mentioned. In between silly fool and crotchety old fart. 🙂

  4. Fistful of awesome. In justin’s face!

    Great job on the cake!

  5. Are there any pieces left?

    What? 🙂

  6. The frames showing the cake crazed expressions crack me up without fail. I adore that story.

  7. This? Is pretty much the best thing, ever, in the history of things.

  8. Simply amazing! 😉 I tip my hat to you!

  9. cake perfection.

  10. you rock so hard. he is a lucky man. happy birfday, justin!

  11. i wish that was on my counter right now.
    hope it was the happiest of birthdays!

  12. that is the most awesome birthday cake ever!
    Happy Birthday Justin!

  13. Heh. Cake. I skipped reading and went straight to the picture!


  14. That? Is fabulous. And a sure sign of true love. Also, how had I never seen that site before? I heart it.

  15. I’ve also read that blog from front to back. And she’s one of THE funniest writers I’ve ever read. On par with David Sedaris, or Augusten Burroughs; except female. You made a pretty killer replica, complete with multi-colored ponies and everything! That takes serious ambition and drive; you love your husband like I love mine. I’ll go to great lengths to make him smile at my ridiculousness. Oh, and I turn thirty in May. Hold me.

  16. The cake is AMAZING and looks just like the drawing! I am so impressed!

    Also, want to hear something weird? I went to high school with that girl. Boggles my mind that her site is as funny as it is, and how many people just adore it.

  17. What a GREAT collaborative effort, Megan, in spite of mixer fright. Did Benton get/like his piece of cake? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JUSTIN! 30 is a wonderful age…

  18. That is a badass cake, friend. Feliz cumpleaños.

  19. libby@ninesandquines

    OMG I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! I could not figure out what you were making yesterday when you were tweeting your progress pictures :-). Awesomeness!!!

  20. Superb! Benton may be in store for some awesome birthday cakes.

  21. Sanedaysaremad

    That’s just fabulous, Megan! Thanks for directing us to the Hyperbole and More, love it! Now I can’t stop looking at your cake and think: “Caaaake” Happy Birthday, Justin.

  22. Best cake ever. Best story about cake ever. BEST.

  23. i hope you email this to them. you’re amazing.

  24. You are the most awesome spouse ever. And your friend with the colored marshmallows ain’t too shabby, either.


  25. Awesome job!!!! 🙂

  26. Pingback: Little Big Links: Cake « Little Big

  27. That is MAJOR cake talent right there. So fun!! 😀

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