Tag Archives: cabin fever

Everyone Wins

Friends, I have been wearing lipstick and getting dressed (almost) everyday. Take THAT, winter.

I’m apparently new at the whole thumbs-up thing, hence the horrible awkwardness.

I’ve also been doing little things like leaving the house almost everyday and drinking tea with myself in the afternoon. I turn on the twinkling party lights on our frozen balcony and I’m taking photos and trying to pretend I don’t loathe the winter.

Another glorious indoor activity that I have been trying? Making baby food. It turns out that this is largely a wasted effort, because I end up having to eat most of it and the child is just like “WHAaaat? This is dumb, SLAP SLAP SLAP…”

Then something happened. I stumble onto the Gussy Sews finger knitting tutorial. It seemed innocent enough. Then..


I suddenly had a worrisome finger-knitting addiction. It is quite mindless, but very relaxing. Something to do to keep me from being antsy.

It turns out that I am more obsessed with it than that one time I played Angry Birds for two weeks straight before angrily deleting it from my phone after the STUPID BOOMERANG TOUCAN RUINED MY LIFE ahhhh maahhh GAHHH. Shudder.

I’m an all-or-nothing person. So. I have about a bajillion of these necklaces. They are nothing fancy, but kind of fun.

I found out they squish down into nothing and I can probably send them in a regular envelope. If I keep up producing at the rate I am going, I will have 100 by mid-next week. UM. Yes.

Want one? I will gladly send it. Everyone is a winner. Email me your name and mailing address to Megagoodblog@gmail.com. If we talk on twitter, then you get to request a color. If you are a lady with a young baby, I assure you that these things take a beating. B has tested them. If you are a man? Start a trend. These things are the new tie.

Then leave me a comment telling me something you actually LIKE about winter so we can cheer each other up.



Winterrrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrr…r.rrr..r.r.r.r.

I have a long history of winter blues. Followed by manic springlike behavior in the spring. This is my life. The rut of winter makes the months of April and May that much more exciting for me. It seems like I have reached Valhalla, Shangri-la, Heaven, and Underverse ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Justin has reminded me that Valhalla and Shangri-la simply cannot co-exist. I KNOW. That is just how crazy springtime is in my little heart.

But back to winter. This year has been particularly painful. Thank Valhalla that I have an easy-going happy baby. Because if I didn’t, I would not only be a sad cave troll, but I would be sad cave troll with an eye twitch and a short temper. I can deal with the sad.

Kind of.

I have vowed to get dressed every day for a week. And will also try to leave the cave. This helps immensely. Yesterday, I was dressed by 8 am, and was away from the house more than I was at home. My soul rejoiced, and it felt more like March than January. Productivity was at an all time winter high, and the baby was a joy.

I met up with some friends that I met back during our birth class at Mother Me Inc. We went to the Garfield Park Conservatory. It was my first time there, and I look forward to returning. Fresh air, plants, and adult conversation. This is like a shot of adrenaline directly into my heart. More of this, please.

I brought my camera, but when you are hanging out with other people and have a baby strapped to your hip, it is hard to concentrate on photography. I may go back alone and get some really nice shots. I did end up with some shots from the cactus room that I am pretty proud of.  🙂

Look! I spoke to other humans! This is Erin and Grant.

And this is Ethan Blaze. He spent most of his visit in this manner. Thanks for showing me the Ergo Hip Carry, little man.