Tag Archives: cleaning

The Fine Art of Procrastination

I have been doing it for 27 years.

The best thing about procrastination is that I get other random or weird tasks done that I would not normally get think to do. Although the big task remains on the back burner (packing for our move NEXT WEEK), the house is very clean.


Because how could I possibly pack when the stove needs to be cleaned?

Oh, and look at how the floor under the high chair could use a vinegar scrub.

You know what? Let me just magic eraser the shower door and then I will pack something.

Oh, my masthead really needs a redesign.

The list goes on.

Pretty Things All in a Row

Things that have been recently cleaned out and organized:

  • desk
  • purse
  • ridiculous jewelry pile

These three situations were their own private disaster. My work area just looks clean because I shove everything into a drawer at night. The bathroom appears clean until you open the cabinet. Then you are confronted with a massive and tangled wad of jewelry, rogue hair ties, and general rubbish. The purse holds an impressive amount of crap, so it isn’t really a surprise that mine looks more like a garbage bag inside.

Luckily, an intense wave of freaky organizational inspiration came over me last week, similar to the feeling I got about my spice cabinet. I just couldn’t live another day with these hidden sins.

Behold my newly organized jewelry–NOT waded into a ball!


Accessorizing no longer requires frustrating untangling. And the whole project cost me nothing. Amazing.

It’s the simple things, people.

Getting Rid of Stuff

Throwing stuff out, cleaning out closets, and donating old clothes are one of my favorite household activities. It is also a very Spring thing to do. I am quite the opposite of a pack-rat, and do not like becoming crowded with stuff. One of my top anxieties about having kids some day is all the STUFF that goes with it. This is most apparent to me in airports. I see families trying to keep track of about 17 pieces of luggage and a car seat and trying to remove tiny shoes for the metal detectors…it makes my heart pound…Anyway, if you are attached to old “stuff,” I will gladly come over and tell you 10 reasons to move on. I will even help you get over things you are keeping because you have major guilt every time you even think about getting rid of it. It is JUST STUFF. Other people actually need it. You likely don’t. I promise you won’t miss it and you will have more room to breathe.

That being said, I got rid of some things from our closet this weekend, and I couldn’t be happier about. If you want them, they are available to you at Brown Elephant on Clark at a very low price. Let it be known that I have NEVER missed anything that was donated. Ever. Especially when they are my husband’s old clothes.

*Insert giddy crazy-lady laugh.*

*Insert image of crazy-bag-lady running along Ashland with a bag of faded relaxed fit jeans from the late 90’s.*

Justin has a new wardrobe–thanks to a successful–but exhausting trip to State Street. He was thrilled to discover that Nordstrom Rack, H&M, Macy’s, and TJ Maxx are located on the same block. We have never shopped like that, and probably won’t again for awhile. He will be looking good until he has to wear suits to work…which I don’t envy. He is actually OK with that idea, which is reason #459385725 that he has found his perfect career. If I had to wear suits to work, I might just wither up and die. I like to dress nicely for work, but could wear–and have worn–cat slippers and a blanket to the office and no one bats an eyelash. I think there are some companies where PANTYHOSE is required?!? Ugh.

After the wardrobe overhaul on Friday, we decided that on Saturday we would head up to Evanston via the 10 minute ride on the Metra. Evanston has a pretty nice downtown area, and I much prefer going up there to see a movie than traveling into the Loop to fight the tourists. Don’t think this means we are in love with the suburbs and will be packing up our apt to head north anytime soon. I’m just saying that Evanston is a nice surprise as far as suburbs go. Yeah, I like a suburb. There, I said it. The day was sunny and consisted of wonderful things like bread-bowl soup, travel books about Italy, 3-d movie going, pet stores, wood oven fired pizza, and perfect train timing.

Here are the weekend photo updates:

These are Justin's Legs. Yeah those are dark-wash jeans that aren't dragging on the ground. And Cole Haans! I <3 Nordstrom Rack.

These really are Justin's legs. Yeah those are dark-wash jeans that aren't dragging on the ground. And Cole Haans! I ❤ Nordstrom Rack.

The suburbs can have a nice texture to them. Chicago can't hog it all.

The suburbs can have a nice texture to them. Chicago can't hog it all.

Well hello there. This little man was in the pet shop window across from Union Pizzeria. We call him chicken turtle. Watch the video below with the sound to learn why.

Well hello there. This little man was in the pet shop window across from Union Pizzeria. We call him chicken turtle. Watch the video below with the sound to learn why.

Turtle Wants Tomato.

Awww. They look like they might be good pets. Um, I had a couple as a kid and they don't do a lot. My Flopsy bunny died on Easter morning. There you have it.

Awww. They look like they might be good pets, don't they? Um, I had a couple as a kid and they don't do a whole lot. My Flopsy bunny died on Easter morning. There you have it.

Union Pizzeria has high ceilings, large windows and interesting lighting. But the PIZZA...

Union Pizzeria has high ceilings, large windows and interesting lighting. But the PIZZA...

..the pizza is to die for.

..the pizza is to die for.

One of the best parts of the weekend. Justin pointed these out to me. Which means he has been paying a lot of attention to what makes me happy. <3

One of the best parts of the weekend. Justin pointed these out to me. Which means he has been paying a lot of attention to what makes me happy. ❤

Dyson Amazement

Look what I got:

Dyson 1

My Dyson matches my dining room chairs! Which is clearly an important choice in vacuum purchasing. This is certainly my picture of happiness for the day, and will be happy for days to come. It was pricey, but in the end was cheaper than the three broken ones that I have dealt with in the last few years. As a wise man drinking whiskey at Emerald Loop once said, “I am too poor to buy cheap things.” This one will last. It better.

Here is a brief review of the new machine:


  • Suction. This thing is not kidding.
  • Wood floors. It rides low and doesn’t blow shrapnel out the back onto bare unassuming ankles. I feel like my broom is sitting in the corner listening to me. It needs to be told it still has use…for sweeping…the sidewalk?
  • Telescope Reach™ wand. It easily detaches without any drama or sticking or unwinding. Very smart design. Will get the corners and sideboards cleaner than thought possible.

  • Bag-less debris container. Easy to empty. Fun to watch the nastiness pile up.
  • Deep cleaning. I just cleaned my floors four days ago with a regular/broken vacuum and broom. Seemingly clean floors were hiding foul nastiness that I didn’t even know about. You will see images below that may disturb you.


  • Suction. Dyson will eat your curtains, shag rug, pillows, duvet and perhaps cat. DO NOT get it near a loose thread, sock, or hem. It is hungry and unapologetic.
  • Annoying others. You shouldn’t talk about the Dyson too much. Or blog about it. Hmmm. Sorry.
  • Too much fun. You will become giddy during cleaning or the thought of cleaning. You will then reflect on the lameness of this situation and may reevaluate your life.

Enjoy the photo shoot below with informative captions about my first night with Dyson.

low profile on the wood floors

low profile on the wood floors

very good for anti-nastiness in the lungs!

very good for anti-nastiness in the lungs!

hungry cyclones!

hungry cyclones!

Norpus Approved.

Norpus Approved.

before. (sorry)

Carpet: before. (sorry)


Carpet: after.

One of the buckets of nastiness. I remind you the floors *appeared* clean. Dyson managed to find two buckets of this.

One of the buckets of nastiness. I remind you the floors *appeared* clean. Dyson managed to find two buckets of this.

rubbish. filth. frightening. no more.

rubbish. filth. frightening. no more.